Wednesday, 13 November 2024
Pluto & Charon - Not one influence on us all, but TWO!!!
Thursday, 30 September 2021
How will the United States deal with its Pluto Return?
Tomorrow we enter October and a month that will see three of our outer planets starting to march forward once again. It really will be a turnaround month with Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury all switching motion from retrograde to direct. Just for the record, Pluto stations on the 6th followed by Saturn on the 11th. Then Jupiter and Mercury simultaneously change direction on the 18th October within 10 hours of each other. By the middle of the month we really should be starting to build up a head of steam, engines ready to go, as the prospect of making some forward progress in our lives becomes an actual reality. Much of what we were able to muster in the previous month or two may have been linked in some way in the past. Now we will be able to use everything that we have been given, and look to branch out into fresh territory.
Thursday, 22 July 2021
Harry and Meghan – A rebellious marriage
The news that Prince Harry's memoirs could land him and his wife at least $20 million has gone down like a lead balloon over here in the UK. Apparently Palace officials have indicated that the Royal family have almost resigned themselves to the fact that more allegations and scandal lies in wait for them when the book is finally published next year.
Monday, 19 July 2021
This Week in Astrology - 19th to 25th July 2021 – From the shadows into the light
Saturday, 17 July 2021
Climate Change and the Outer Planets
Thursday, 24 June 2021
Britney Spears – Freedom on the way?
In an empassioned plea to the court, Britney Spears yesterday stated her case to be released from a conservatorship that she has been living under for the past 13 years. She has been effectively controlled by her father because she was judged to be unable to look after herself in the past. Now she has gone to court to get those impositions revoked.
Sunday, 10 January 2021
The New Moon in Capricorn on 13th January 2021 - Inner change, before outer development.
Sunday, 15 November 2020
The New Moon in Scorpio on 15th November – Making A Silk Purse Out Of A Sow's Ear
Tuesday, 10 November 2020
A Significant Moment - The Final Chapter Begins
This week is a very, very important one astrologically as for the last time in Capricorn, two of the three planets that have been responsible for so much of the grief and trouble around the world make contact. Also this week, the retrograde nightmare that has been blighting us all since mid Spring ends.
Wednesday, 7 October 2020
Pluto goes direct - The start of something new...
Thursday, 9 January 2020
New vistas and problems for the Sussex family...
The shock news that came out of the British Royal Family would not have been so much of a surprise for any Astrologer who looks at their Astrology charts. The announcement yesterday that the couple were “demoting themselves” and in effect denouncing their Royal titles to live both in North America and the UK happened on the eve of a Lunar Eclipse that as ever tells the story.
Sunday, 5 January 2020
What's happening this week in Astrology - 6th until 12th January?
Thursday, 19 December 2019
President Trump, the Impeachment Vote and the year to come..
Whenever a narcissist finds himself (or herself) accused of something that they know that they are guilty or culpable of, every single one I have ever seen and encountered always does the same thing. They go on the attack. They discredit, turn the tables on the accuser, and try to make the victim doubt themselves. Is the narcissist going to admit that he or she in the wrong? No way. Instead they will say it's a scam, a witch hunt and make themselves look like the poor victim. It's a pattern of behaviour that I dare say that you may recognise in someone you know. Never be fooled by it.
Sunday, 24 December 2017
The movements of the outer planets and how are they affecting you in 2018?
Ok, I've had a quick look at the movements of the outer planets and the degree zones that they are moving in during 2018, and these equates to birth dates in regards to your Sun. They might be helping you or hindering you and this will affect if you will have a positive year or one where it will be more challenging. I hope this quick handy list will help you prepare for 2018…
Pluto - 19 to 21 degrees Capricorn - The transformer
This equates to 2018 being a year of fundamental change for those with birthdays between 11-13 January, 9-11 April, 12-14 July and 12-14 October.
A year of adjustment and adaptation for those born with birthdays between 10 - 12th June and 12 to 14th August
Year of opportunities and possibilities for those born 12 – 14 November and 10 -12 March
Those with birthdays 10-12 May or 12-14 September will see positive transformations empowering them in 2018
Neptune - 13 to 16 degrees Pisces - The disintegrator
A disorientating year and one of potential struggle awaits those with birthdays between 4-7th March, 4-7th June, 6-9th September and 5-8th December
A year of sacrifice and disillusionment for those with birthdays between 6 – 9th August and 6 - 9th October
A year of creative opportunities for those with birthdays between 5 – 8th January and 4 – 7th May
A year of imagination and fulfilling dreams awaits those with birthdays 5-8th July and 6-9th November
Uranus - Uranus the disruptor is active in 2018 moving between 24 Aries and 2 degrees Taurus.
A year of sudden change and upsets is the pipeline for those with birthdays between 16 – 23rd January, 14-22nd April, 17 – 25th July and 18-26th October
A year of unexpected adjustments and separations for those born between 16th and 25th September
A year of unforeseen opportunities for those born between 14th and 22nd February and 16th - 24th June
A year of positive unforeseen change and moving ahead quickly is waiting for those with birthdays between 17-25th Leo and 16-24th December
Saturn the great teacher is moving between 0 and 9 degrees Capricorn in 2018
A year of hardship and difficult lessons learned await those with birthdays from 22 December to 1st January, 21st - 30th March, 21st June to 1st July and 23rd September to 2nd October
A year of difficult adjustments and learning the hard way for those born between 22 – 31th May and 23rd July and 1st August
A year of opportunities to make your life stronger and more stable for those born between 24th October and 2nd November
A year of constructive change and rising reputations is predicted for those with birthdays from 20th -30th April and for 23rd August to 2nd September.
Jupiter is helping all Sun sign Scorpios all year promising a year of growth, optimism and positivity.
If your birthday isn’t mentioned that’s potentially a good thing as you aren’t being impacted by the important outer planets and you can consolidate in 2018, although there are so many other factors that could be affecting you such as eclipses, transits and the like. If you would like to know more, go to my 100% totally free Ascendant horoscopes for 2018, follow the link below…
The Ultimate Ascendant Sign Horoscopes for 2018
The 15th degree of fixed signs – The “Avatar Degrees” and their significance to us all as 2018 begins.
This is a significant day in astrological terms as the Lunar Nodes now have reached the middle degree point of the fixed signs. In Astrology and in spirituality there is a mythical reputation about 15 degrees of any of the fixed signs, and right now and in the next couple of weeks they will be playing a huge part in all of our lives.
Now for those of you who don't realise, the 15th degree of any fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius) is significant because it's exactly midway between the cardinal equinox and solstice points. These degrees have been known as “The Gates of the Avatars” and as you may know, an avatar is a free spiritual being or soul with magical or god like powers. There is a special melding of energy here and throughout history, it has been noted that these degrees have produced people with unusual gifts and talents that have a transcendental quality about them. These are fixed signs too and you often find enormous determination here to beat the odds stacked against you, in both good and bad ways. With the transiting planets there can be amazing coincidences, lucky breaks, the ability to achieve when it was thought impossible to do so.
Now obviously you need some examples and I have many. The late David Cassidy had Pluto at 15 degrees Leo in his 2nd house of making money (ruling his creative 5th house) and the fame and fortune he received because of his talent to charm a generation sent him on a path of personal destruction. Serena Williams has her Mars, the planet of sports on the same degree in her 5th house of sports and games, and she has taken women's tennis to a new level. Pablo Picasso had his natal Neptune at 15 Taurus, and his imagination to create and make things (Taurus is a sign of building) knew no boundaries. Stevie Wonder has his natal Pluto in his 10th house of career and he has overcome tremendous odds since going blind soon after birth (he has disintegrating Neptune the planet of music retrograde conjunct his Ascendant sextile to Pluto) to become one of the music geniuses of any generation. Carlos Puidgemont, the Catalan leader in exile has Neptune at 15 degrees Leo and he has causes chaos and disruption in Spain, and he himself has sacrificed himself for the dream of Catalan independence. Angela Merkel, the chancellor of Germany has her Moon in Aquarius opposite to Pluto and she has become the most powerful woman on earth for many years now. Facebook was launched with the Sun at 15 degrees Aquarius, the sign of networking and the internet and it has become probably the most successful website ever. John Paul Getty had his Jupiter at 15 Taurus opposite to Saturn, and he amassed a huge fortune and was notoriously frugal with it. Both Willie Nelson and Diana Ross had the sign of communication Mercury at 15 Taurus, Marvin Gaye his Uranus at 15 degrees Taurus trine to Neptune, the planet of music and imagination, Leslie Nielsen had his Venus at 15 Aquarius conjunct to Mercury and opposite to Neptune. Alice Cooper has his Sun conjunct 15 Scorpio, and he has made his name through a complete transformation of his persona. Finally Marcel Marceau, the mime artist had Neptune at 15 degrees Leo, the planet of imagination in the sign of performance. I think I've proved my point.
We also have another influence at 15 degrees now, Jupiter at 15 degrees Leo sitting at the North Bendings of the transiting Nodes. The North Bendings is the square point to the Nodes (there is a South Bending Point too) is a position of taking things a little too far and with Jupiter in this position there is a potential for total excess now, or going over the top. The US tax bill was signed on 22nd December with the Nodes at 15 Leo Aquarius and Jupiter square to them, and the general consensus is that the US Senate and President Trump have gone too far in pleasing their own rich and wealthy followers at the expense of the majority of the population. Punitive oil sanctions were voted on against North Korea at the UN security council, banning 90% of exports to that country, however that won't stop the Koreans and President Kim. Why? North Korea has Pluto, the nuclear planet natally at 15 degrees Leo and it is now conjunct to the transiting North Node and square is transiting Jupiter at 15 degrees Scorpio. Remember what I said about beating the odds and having a special mystical quality. North Korea has it too, secretive, utterly brutal and determined. These sanctions won't deter North Korea, indeed I think they will make her even more determined to prove a point.
In this regard I would be very wary in the next week or two, especially as military Mars gets to 15 degrees Scorpio conjunct to Jupiter and sextile to Pluto promoting a dangerous risk taking attitude in the pursuit of power and control. Remember Mars will still be closely square to the Nodes at the “going too far point” of the North Bendings. All this happens as the planet of disruption, shocks and rebelliousness Uranus slows to a halt on 2nd January 2018, stationing direct. You know something unexpected always happens at a Uranus station. I fear the new year may come in with quite a bang!!!
Thursday, 16 November 2017
Zimbabwe in crisis – Political theatre, tanks, vested interests and China.
There is a very interesting power play going on in Zimbabwe at the moment, but what is really going on? Is there an official coup in progress against 93 year old President Robert Mugabe? Then again, he has been seen on the national TV service that the military now control, at home and seemingly in control. It appears that he is confined to home, but free to speak. What’s going on? Let’s take a closer look…
Tuesday, 24 October 2017
The Great Saturn and Pluto conjunction of 2020. How will it affect us all?
I have been promising to write this article for quite a while now and many of my readers have been asking for it too, so today I finally get out the crystal ball and try and predict what may happen as these two most influential of planets connect up in the month of January 2020 and beyond.
Sunday, 22 October 2017
A Slow Gradual Change Of Order
I think that it's safe to say that since from around 18th October when the new Moon was forming in the sign of Libra, this has been a very disruptive time for many people. The New Moon opposite to Uranus has really upset the apple cart this time around. In my life for certain and maybe in yours too.
Monday, 16 October 2017
Harvey Weinstein - From Hollywood hero to zero

I have to say straight up that when I heard the news last week about Harvey Weinstein, I was naturally shocked, disgusted, and yet not that surprised. That's because in my time in working at London Heathrow Airport I actually had the dubious pleasure of encountering him. He was one of the, if not the most awkward, demanding and egotistical clients that I had ever dealt with. I was left with a sense of unease and utter relief after he had gone to his flight back to Los Angeles. My feeling was this was not a nice man, and when I have a feeling about someone, I'm often not so far from the truth.
Wednesday, 19 April 2017
Pluto goes retrograde - Time for psychological readjustment
I don’t if you realise, but Pluto is now at an almost dead stop and is just about to turn inwards and move into retrograde motion. It officially stops tomorrow at 19.24 degrees Capricorn tomorrow. You know, because some of these outer planets are retro for long periods maybe we take then for granted, but we should not.