Astrology by Paul Saunders : Broadcasters
Showing posts with label Broadcasters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Broadcasters. Show all posts

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

David Frost – A giant in the broadcasting world passes away

David Frost

I know it is a couple of days since his passing but I haven’t yet had time until now to give my Astrological tribute to one of the foremost TV interviewers in British and international broadcasting history, David Frost. David was a wonderfully talented broadcaster with an incisive mind who did create history in his interviews with former disgraced American President Richard Nixon. His career spanned 50 years on both sides of the Atlantic and across the world. He died on a cruise ship before he was due to present a speech.

Saturday, 29 December 2012

Tony Greig - Former England cricket captain and TV commentator dies from heart attack.


Tony Greig, the very opinionated former England cricket captain and TV commentator for Channel 9 sports in Australia passed away suddenly from a heart attack ,aged 66. Tony was born in South Africa to Scottish parents and so this qualified him to play cricket for England. He was a huge man standing at 6ft 6 inches tall, an all rounder and he played cricket with his heart on his sleeve. I will never forget a TV interview when as captain before a series against the West Indies and their ferocious famed fast bowling attack in the late 70’s, he claimed that England would make the West Indies players “grovel”. Needless to say, the West Indies never forgot those insulting words and they trounced the English team in the following test matches. His commentating style was direct yet so knowledgeable and in the world of cricket he will be greatly missed.

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Jimmy Savile – Eccentric and charitable, the DJ who was loved, but never properly understood.

jimmy saville

Sir Jimmy Savile was an enigma. One of the pioneering DJ’s of British pop culture, an iconic figure who was huge figure on radio in the 60‘s and 70’s and during the 80’s was instrumental in charity events and fun runs, raising thousands of pounds for people in need and appearing on Jim’ll Fix It, a programme which granted the dreams of countless children who wrote to Jimmy from across the length and breadth of the UK.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Glenn Beck – A look at the horoscope of one of America’s most controversial TV hosts.


From a UK perspective, we don’t have anyone remotely like Glenn Beck on our TV screens. A broadcaster with very religious, conservative views, a historian, politician, a writer, a reformed alcoholic and drug addict and a man who openly uses emotion to get across his message. He is my eyes a unique character and in the news as he is ending his regular show on the FOX news channel. I look at his life, his character and his horoscope.

Glenn Beck was born in Everett, Washington in the US on 10th February 1964, one day before his Tea Party colleague Sarah Palin. I will look at Sarah in a future article. I have no official birth-time, and if anyone knows it please email me, however looking at a couple of major events in his life I have rectified his chart to have a time of 20.40.


Glenn is an Aquarian, his Sun in conjunction with Mars and Saturn in the 5th house of entertainment and creativity. His Moon is in serious Capricorn and he has according to my calculations a critical and nervous Virgo ascendant. With the Sun in the 5th house, he is a showman and will like to be the centre of attention. He fizzes with energy and will be hugely ambitious, yet at the same time he is very serious about his work and has a certain sombre demeanour about him. He knows that his talent alone will not keep himself at the summit of his profession so he will work like a demon to keep himself there. Saturn in the 5th house also means that he will harbour an ambition to administrate his own TV and radio empire, and recently I understand he has formed a multimedia production company. Broadcasting is certainly in his blood as Neptune sits in the 2nd house of finance, he will make money from creative pursuits and communicative Gemini rules his Midheaven, signifying his career path was always going to go down the media route.

What makes Beck unusual is that for a conservative he is prepared push back the boundaries to shock people (Uranus) to add weight to his mantra. The stellium in the 5th house is quindecile Uranus, he has an obsession to encourage (Mars) a radical (Uranus) conservative (Saturn) agenda and with emotional Cancer intercepted in the 10th house of profession he uses emotion and even tears to illustrate this. Uranus is conjunct Pluto which everyone in the mid-sixties has in their chart. This generation was one who would want to make their mark on the world by reform, and reform (Uranus/Pluto) of the political system (quindecile Saturn) through action (Mars) and creative means (Sun in the 5th) is one of his main aims.

Cancer of course is ruled by the Moon which is tenanted in conjunction with Mercury in the 4th house of home. The Moon in the 4th is very emotional, patriotic and security conscious. There is a love of his family and there would have been a strong bond between himself and his mother who passed away in an boat accident when Glenn was 15. At that point in 1979, Solar Arc Pluto on this rectified chart would have been conjunct his ascendant and opposite his natal Venus. His life (Ascendant) would have been completely changed (Pluto) over the loss (Pluto) of a female (Venus – his mother). Back to the Moon which is widely conjunct Mercury. Here is a love of history and the past plus a love of reading – his mind will be generally introspective, he will love to discuss his experiences and has a talent for getting people to talk about themselves, excellent for a radio or TV broadcaster.

Much has been made of Becks religious beliefs which he uses on his shows. Religion and belief is shown through Neptune and Jupiter. We find Neptune square to the 5th house Sun Mars Saturn conjunction. Neptune is spiritual and square Saturn so his beliefs are conservative. Neptune is in Scorpio the planet of transformation and rules alcohol and drugs. Glenn has openly admitted to being addicted to these, and the square to the Sun does suggest that he would be attracted to them. In 1994, the problem was particularly bad with Beck entering Alcoholics Anonymous and suffering with substance abuse; just as Solar Arc Jupiter, the planet of excess opposed his natal Neptune.

Jupiter feeds by sextile into the 5th house conjunction so it is natural for him to openly share his faith in his broadcasts. To add weight to this Sagittarius is on the cusp of the 4th house so we know that his home was a place where faith was encouraged and still will be. Jupiter sits in the 7th house along with Venus in Aries. Glenn is very sociable and will want to connect with a wide range of people and will actively (Aries) want to not only explain his beliefs and philosophies (Jupiter) but will also be receptive to other’s opinions. Venus here need a loving union and his wife will be very dear to him.

Right now transiting Jupiter is conjunct his natal Jupiter so he will be feeling to time to move on from what he has been doing and to expand his role. Transiting Uranus and Mars are opposing his ascendant so he will be taking affirmative action and transiting Neptune is trine his Midheaven so his work dreams are starting to become reality. Despite his disappearance from the daily TV schedules, you will be hearing more of Glenn Beck effect in the future.