Astrology by Paul Saunders : Disasters and accidents
Showing posts with label Disasters and accidents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Disasters and accidents. Show all posts

Saturday, 17 July 2021

Climate Change and the Outer Planets

It is very noticeable that this summer, the world is already starting to suffer from considerable weather events that are causing death, destruction and severe pain and problems. From the horrendous floods in Central Europe to the extreme heat in Russia, Canada and the Northern US states as well as the accompanying wildfires, it's been a very difficult few weeks. Can Astrology shed any light on what's going on? Maybe it can...

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Egyptair flight MS804 goes missing over the Eastern Mediterranean.


Overnight there were reports of an Egyptair Airbus A320 aircraft flying from Paris France to Cairo going missing over the Mediterranean Sea. The flight took off at 23.09 hours Paris time and it had just entered Egyptian airspace when air traffic control connections to the airplane was lost. It is feared that the aircraft crashed into the sea and search teams are now looking in the area where last contact was made. 

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

South Korean Ferry capsizes with over 400 on board

Ferry disaster

There has been an awful tragedy in the seas south of the South Korean mainland. A ferry travelling from Incheon to the island of Jeju sank just before reaching it’s destination, a distress call was given out just before 09.00 am local time. The ferry to all reports had 459 people on board, many of whom were young high school students. At the latest reports two people have died but a shocking 295 are still missing, indicating to me that this ferry capsized very quickly and without much warning.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Looking at the Astrology of the Washington State Mudslide


This is a really awful tragedy that occurred on Saturday in the community of Oso in Washington State, USA, on Saturday 23rd March at close to 11.00am according to local reports. At I write there are 24 confirmed dead and it is thought that 176 people still remain missing, although local officials are not sure about actual numbers. Rescue teams are in the area looking to see if anyone in the community survived the disaster.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Looking at the astrology of the mysterious case of Malaysia Airlines MH370

Malaysia airlines

Nearly two weeks ago just after midnight on the 8th March 2014, the now infamous Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 set off from Kuala Lumpur International airport with 227 passengers and 12 crew on a scheduled flight bound for Beijing in China. It never arrived and the world has been transfixed by the apparent disappearance of the long distance Boeing 777. We do know that it was flying up to 8 hours after it took off because of a ping received by a satellite based over the Indian Ocean. That project the plane either on a northerly or southerly track covering an area of several million square kilometres.  On the 16th March, several more satellite pictures were received by Australian authorities and on investigation they picked up a potential debris field in the Southern Indian Ocean, a first potential vital lead. This area is being searched by planes and ships which were scrambled immediately by several nations and as I write hope is high that somewhere in this region of deep ocean 2500 km south west of Perth lies the resting place of the stricken aircraft.

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Ceiling collapses on the audience at the Apollo Theatre in London.


Part of the ceiling has collapsed onto the audience below during a performance of a play called "Curious Incident Of The Dog in the Night-Time", a time when the theatre in Shaftsbury Avenue in the heart of the West End would have been packed by up to 700 people. The audience heard a creaking sound about 40 minutes into the play and then a large amount of plaster fell onto those at the front of the stalls.

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Syria – A very serious situation gets even worse.


Heart-breaking. That’s the only word I can think of when considering what is transpiring in the country of Syria. A civil war has been raging for 2 years, many thousands on both sides have been killed including women and children, mass graves have been found and now news of chemical weapons being used. If you look at the astrology chart of Syria, one can clearly see the horrible situation that has developed.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Radioactive water leaking from the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant.


Reports out of Japan suggest that leaks of radioactive water are increasing and intensifying out of the Fukushima Nuclear plant that was devastated by the huge 9.0 earthquake and tsunami that rocked Japan on 11th March 2011. This is a long running saga that I have been keeping a close eye on since it occurred two and a half years ago and seeing that it is back in the news it is worth returning back to the Astrology to see how the planets are affecting the situation.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Taking a deeper look at the Astrology of the San Francisco air crash.

Asiana flight

I was looking a little deeper at the San Francisco plane crash of a couple of days ago where quite remarkably all but 2 of the 300+ people on board survived. It seems like the aircraft came in a little too steep to a notoriously tricky place to land by the water’s edge in San Francisco bay. The aircraft appeared to catch the edge of the water and the runway, just before the pilot tried to abort the landing, ripping the tail off the aircraft sending it spinning before crashing on the grass verge. The airline Asiana have ruled out a technical failure so it seems pilot error may have been the deciding factor. The Astrology does not rule this out.

Monday, 29 April 2013

Czech Republic – Gas explosion in Prague near National Theatre


This morning reported to the police at 09.56 am, a huge explosion rocked Divadení Ulice, (Theatre Street) adjacent to the National Theatre in Prague, the Czech capital, apart of the world I personally know very well having lived in the city for 4 and a half years. By all reports up to 40 people are injured and several may well be trapped under rubble. It seems that this explosion was caused by a gas leak, and if so the Astrology holds up this theory.

Monday, 29 October 2012

Hurricane Sandy – What the Astrology says…


Hurricane Sandy is closing in on the US East coast for late Monday and into Tuesday, so I decided to have a quick look at the stars to see what they say for the New Jersey area, the part of the coast that is likely to see the Hurricane make landfall. This is a big, big storm with the top speed of the winds now predicted to hit 85-90 miles per hour, and the worst effects could be the storm surge, a wall of water concentrated on the North East of the storm because of the anti-clockwise rotation, predicted to hit Northern New Jersey into New York and New England.

Friday, 13 July 2012

Mont Blanc avalanche, another Syrian massacre, expect more tragedy as Mars, Uranus and Pluto collide.

France Avalanche

We are coming up to a very dangerous astrological formation in the next couple of days, a t-square forming between Mars Uranus and Pluto in the universe above us is probably one of the nastiest ones I have seen since I started doing Astrology. It will have ramifications for many people and the news reports I fear will be dominated by a series of tragic incidents.

Friday, 29 June 2012

Colorado Springs in danger from wildfires


This is a really nasty one developing. The city of Colorado Springs in the US is being threatened by one of several wildfires that have sprung up in the Rocky Mountains in the past week. Up to 36,000 people have been evacuated from their homes as the fire gets dangerously close to the city, President Obama has declared a national emergency and people are saying that these fires are the worst in history in the state of Colorado. As always, the planets are highlighting this situation in the heavens above us.

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Radiation levels rising again at Fukushima nuclear plant.


Record radiation levels are now being detected at the Fukushima nuclear plant that was devastated by the tsunami in March last year.  A report from the Japanese broadcast news service NHK said that “the radiation levels above radioactive water in the basement of the Number 1 reactor reached up to 10,300 millisievert an hour, a dose that will kill humans within a short time after making them sick within minutes”. While the region is still under a strict curfew, we are now approaching the typhoon season and the risk of earthquakes in Japan always exists. Right now they should be on alert, because the astrology over the next few days and months is more than a little worrying.

Friday, 24 February 2012

San Francisco 1906 Earthquake – Is the San Andreas fault ready to shift again?

Golden Gate Bridge

If you live in California, the risk of earthquake damage is ever present as the San Andreas Fault runs right along the spine of the state. The most notorious of all the earthquakes in living memory was the San Francisco earthquake of 1906 which hit at around 7.9 on the Richter scale and claimed around 3000 lives. People have said that a repeat is now overdue. Looking at the astrology, in my opinion we are definitely now in the danger zone for a new rupture along the fault line.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Costa Concordia – Shipwreck a genuine mistake or a grave error of judgement?

This evening I finally got hold of the time of the Costa Concordia accident close to the Island of Giglio off the west coast of Italy. To all reports, the cruise liner struck an undersea rock on Friday evening at approximately 21.30hrs. The question everyone is asking is what the hell was a huge liner like that doing being in so close to the island of Giglio? Did the captain on such a modern ship (constructed in 2005) really lose his way? The answer possibly was given on UK Sky News this evening reporting that the new captain went close to the island because a friend lived there. To all reports, this practise of sailing close to Giglio seemed to be a tradition on this particular ship as an old officer who worked on Concordia used to live there too, and so the ship would go close to the island’s coastline and sound it’s horn as a gesture. Does this show up on the astro chart? Amazingly there is a hint that it does.

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Thailand – Holding it’s breath as the floods approach.

thai floods

Thailand has been beset by floodwaters, probably the worst of their recent history. This post was prompted by a question posed to me by one of my readers, thank you John. Bangkok now waits and hopes that the worst will pass, and so a city of 12 million people will escape personal and commercial disaster.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Dan Wheldon –The astrology of the British racing legend killed in a fiery crash in Las Vegas.


A tragedy happened yesterday as Dan Wheldon, the current Indy 500 champion was fatally injured during a 15 car pile up at the Las Vegas speedway oval during the last Indy Car event of the season. It appears that the drivers were nervous before the race, which saw 34 cars running at high speeds on a relatively small track. The risks certainly were high and unfortunately the incident on the 13th lap claimed the life of the universally popular British racing driver.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Lokomotiv Yaroslavl Air Crash – Russian ice hockey team victim of a “Moon Wobble”


Today just after 16.00, one of the most devastating in a series of recent Russian air crashes occurred. An airliner on a charter flight from the Russian city of Yaroslavl bound for Minsk in Belorussia carrying the city’s ice hockey team failed to lift off properly after take-off and hit a riverbank in a ball of flames, pretty much wiping out in one go the whole team, and plunging a nation into tears of sadness. Ice hockey is the national sport in Russia, however this tragedy will be felt worldwide, as the team had several star international players and a Canadian coach.


The heavens have been rather fraught recently, based around the Pluto Uranus square. At the approximate time of the crash, we found destructive Pluto in the first house and Uranus, the planet of accidents in the 3rd house of transportation. There were also several t-squares in operation. There was a rather difficult Moon Mars Saturn t-square with Saturn at the point in the 9th house of long distance travel and yet more crucially I think a batch of t-squares based around a North Node Ascendant conjunction.

Many years ago, an astrologer and mathematician called Carl Payne Tobey did a series of charts of plotting the position of the planets when major disasters happened including fire, weather related incidents & major accidents with loss of life etc. He found that many of these incidents occurred when the Nodal Axis was conjunct the North or South Node, but not exclusively so. He also found a big correlation between these type of events when the sun was forming a t-square to the Nodal Axis – at 90 degrees. He calculated that if the Sun was within 5 degrees either side of square to the Nodal axis, there was a far increased chance of a loss of life through an unfortunate incident. Tobey nicknamed this position the “Moon Wobble”.

I don’t usually include squares to the nodal axis on my natal charts, however on looking at this particular chart, I noticed that the possibility of a square inducing this accident existed. The Sun today was at 14 Virgo, just within that 5 degree range of the North Node at 19 Sagittarius. I am not saying that there will always be a disaster during a Moon Wobble, but if the other planetary factors are also stressful and appear in certain areas of the chart, then the potential really does exist.

At this particular Moon Wobble there were also a couple of other interesting factors. The Sun was found in the 8th house, Scorpio’s house where death can be found. Venus also in the 8th was almost exactly square to the Nodal Axis as well. Taurus ruled by Venus sat on the cusp of the 5th house of sport, indicating that this was an area where unfortunate happenings could occur. Pluto was closely quindecile the South Node, a focus of destructive energy impacting on the Nodal Axis and Pluto’s sign Scorpio was found on the cusp of the 11th house of team affairs. Finally Neptune was making an opposition to Mercury again in the 8th house, and a close quindecile to the Sun. Mercury traditionally rules travel by air, and Neptune’s influence may well have disrupted the flight. Neptune quindecile the Sun often shows the effect of being or feeling powerless to act. It seems that the accident by all reports was caused by some catastrophic failure. Interesting too that the plane ended up burning on the water’s edge, surely the influence of Neptune at work in some way?

It may be worthwhile exploring if future Moon Wobbles coincide with future accidents or related incidents. For the moment however, the Russian people will mourn the loss of one of their foremost hockey teams. Hopefully it will precipitate the tightening the air safety rules in a country that desperately needs some.

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The Twin Towers Attack – A look at the astrology of 9/11, the event that shook the world.

twin towers

It is 10 years on, and the pictures still chill one to the bone. I personally had just got home from work just before 2pm UK time, I switched on the TV to watch in disbelief one of the Twin Towers was ablaze. Then an airliner appeared from the right of the picture (I knew it was a large passenger plane from the shape of the aeroplane) and smashed straight into the second tower. I sat in my living room transfixed and horrified as the shocking drama played out.

TwinTowers natal

Going back 10 years to look at the astrology chart of the day, a view of the event clearly forms. We know the target of the attack – the Twin Towers. The twins immediately lead us to think of Gemini, the sign representing twins in the zodiac. Sitting in Gemini in the international 9th house (this was an attack that was felt across the world) were just 2 planets the Moon and Saturn.

Think of the chart as a picture, we see the Moon represented the people and Saturn represented the buildings and authorities standing side by side. Both the Moon and Saturn are under attack from three planets. Saturn receives a direct opposition from Mars in Capricorn from the 3rd house, and the Moon receives an opposition from Pluto exactly on the cusp of the 3rd. Also we see from Mars to Moon and from Pluto to Saturn are intensely focused quindecile aspects. Saturn receives a trine from Mercury on the Ascendant and the Moon receives a trine from unpredictable Uranus. Pluto is the planet of mass destruction, death and also of feeling trapped. You can sense the intense emotion that this Moon/Pluto opposition created and the force unleashed in the Pluto/Saturn quindecile destroying the buildings where so many people were left helpless waiting to die. Mars is the warrior planet and signifies the action, the attack and the force on both planets in Gemini. Extending the chart out a little Mercury, ruling Gemini also rules Virgo which sits on the cusp of the 12th house, the house of secret enemies and also of sacrifice. Those enemies had awaited their moment with precision and stealth, striking with ruthless efficiency at the same time sacrificing their own lives.

TwinTowers reduced

Notice the 3rd/9th angle, the transport and travel axis on the chart being highlighted. This is also backed up by Mercury on the ascendant. Mercury represents transport, the airliners being used as weapons and being central to the attempt. Uranus in it’s own sign of Aquarius trines the Moon the fifth house, providing the swift, shocking aspect of the attack on the people. The pattern of these trines zooming into the opposition and quindecile aspects mirror the path the two airliners took as they crashed into the towers. Stripping away the other planets opens up the picture, doesn’t it? Sometimes seeing less is more…

Just a couple of other things to notice. Mars was at the time of the first hit tightly quindecile the Midheaven in Cancer. This was an action aimed at the people and security systems (Cancer through the Moon rules both) to focus US public attention. There is a t-square from the Saturn Pluto opposition to the Sun at the point. The Sun shows the people at the top (the President) in Mundane Astrology and the 11th house represents the parties and government systems. The other target was a strike at the US Government itself, and later that morning the Pentagon suffered severe damage from a third plane crashing into the building.

The Midheaven on the day was receiving a conjunction from lucky Jupiter which was itself square to Mercury and the Ascendant, so fortune was favouring a successful attack at this time. Lastly, Neptune sat peregrine in the 4th house and alone away from the rest of the planets and thus dominating proceedings. Here is the indication that a spiritual (Neptune) leader sitting at home (4th) was behind the whole operation. We now know that man to be Osama Bin Laden, and ten years on from the shocking crime he masterminded, his assassination has for now provided a sense of closure to the US people over the unforgettable events of the 9th September 2001.

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