Astrology by Paul Saunders : The Fixed Star connections for the US Presidential Election.

Sunday 4 November 2012

The Fixed Star connections for the US Presidential Election.


We've got a few interesting connections happening now and in the next day or two which in my eyes are pointers to the prevailing mood especially in the US where the population are making their minds up for a new President. Now a majority will know which way they are going to vote, but what about the undecided ones. Which way will the stars push them and their mood? I look at the fixed star connection between today Sunday 4th and Tuesday 6th November, the time when those undecided people will have to make up their minds.

4th Nov

Firstly, we have the Sun on the stars Alphecca and Acrux and these conjunctions show how difficult it is to unseat an incumbent President.

Sun conjunct Alphecca (the star in Corona Borealis - the Crown). This is a crown which has thorns and this conjunction tells people that advancement can be made, but only associated with a price attached. Any change is going to come with major consequences and there is devil in the details hidden behind the supposed beauty that lays in front of you.

Sun conjunct Acrux (the star in Crux, the constellation of the Southern Cross) is linked the physical world and to established thinking and regimes. Here is an obvious link to favouring the one with the power already, a connection to establishment thinking and the man already in power.

Because the Sun always hits these two stars at the time of an American election, the cards are held in the president's hand. Now, what other influences do we have?

Tomorrow, Venus conjuncts with the star Diadem which sits in the constellation of Coma Berenices. This is important as Venus is a social influence on us all. Quite appropriately, Diadem is also seen as a Crown, a woman's head-dress or tiara and this star is linked to feminine strength. Brady says this is also a link to the ordinary people, those who slave away for years in the background. I have one question, will the women that this connection highlights cast the ultimate judgement on who will win on Tuesday? If so, then Obama has to have an edge with this conjunction, especially as he garners his support mainly from women plus the middle and lower class voters of America.

On the 6th Venus goes on to conjunct with Vindemiatrix, the star in Virgo which is known as the grape picker. When one goes out grape picking, you have to sort out the good ones from the bad ones, the ripe from the not so ripe and this division can be extended in social terms as Venus comes calling. American society will be divided on Tuesday via class lines, probably more now than at any previous election in recent history, the haves versus the have nots.

The last connection for Tuesday (election day) is Mars making a conjunction with Ras Alhague, the main star in the constellation of Ophiuchus the serpent holder. This is the sign of the healer, the teacher or the one who is wounded. Mars arriving in this part of the sky can show that a lot of the anger and heat created by the ferocity of this election can be healed and soothed now through direct action, by casting ballots.

I have said on my blog months ago that Obama will just win this one, and the stars over the next two to three days tend to back up my feelings even more. Note that I am English and I do not have a vote, and I have been looking at this election from across the pond in a totally objective manner.

What do you think will happen come Tuesday 6th November??

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  1. I certainly hope you're right!!! I was just thinking about that last prediction... Thanks for sharing.

  2. An election day chart has no meaning because this election won't be decided for weeks. 60% of the precincts for voting on the east coast where Hurricane Sandy devasted will not have electricity. The National Gaurd will be handing out paper ballots that will have to be counted and recounted by hand. MR LACE

    1. As I understand it Mr Lace, NJ, NY, CON and most of the States severlely affected by the storm are staunchly Democratic, so under the college vote system, so they won't affect the outcome. It's in Iowa, Ohio, Florida, Wisconsin, Virginia, North Carolina and maybe Colorado where this election will be won and lost, and all of them except maybe Virginia were largely unaffected by Sandy.

  3. Watch Pennsylvania. It was very affected especially the eastern part of the state. It so close in Pa. that they sent Bill Clinton there to campaign for Obama. Same in Ohio. Obama losing Pa and it will all be over. Florida will go for Romney. Obama has all ready withdrew all advertising money there which means he has given up on Florida. MR Lace.

  4. Since I can comment here I will.. I am a physic Astrologer and read your analysis with interest. You hit on several truths but miss a big one. Obama is working for the Dark Forces.. he has a rift with the forces of Light and is now being controlled by the Evil Ones. His entire staff and specifically Valarie Jerrett (November 14, 1956, Shiraz, IRAN) are Communists and part of the rise of Evil in the USA. How does this play? Could you do charts on Valarie Jerrett and David Axelrod (February 22, 1955, New York, NY USA) for us and take a look into what four more years of Obama means to the USA? Thank you as I have already channeled this and know that voting against Obama is the only sane choice..please be more complete in your study. Romney on the other hand is a true Christian and has roots with the side of Light.. GOD, WISDOM and TRUTH the exact opposite of Obama that you outline in your chart.. this is my interpretation. 24 years of study and I understand some things about this election that few see. The rise of the Anti-Christ and the subjugation and destruction of the Jews, and the Holy Land. History Speaks.. Look into the rise of Communism, Liberalism and the Muslim Brotherhood. Also read The Communist. Frank Marshall Davis: The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mentor...thank you.

    1. I am a supporter of free speech on my blog and you are totally entitled to your views, but in truth I have never heard such utter rubbish in a long, long time...

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I am also a Pyschic Astrologer Candice you hit it on the head but there is someone else in play can't say what a Bunch of so called Astrologers here It's laughable

  5. It's tragic when one encounters Christian voices speaking so loud about "truths" that Jesus died to get us rid of; truths like "those who are not like me are against me". Placing "the other" who is not from my tribe on the "axis of evil", from Iranians to communists, from Moslems to black people, is sooooo totally not like Jesus' principles that I do wonder whom is He going to place on an axis of evil with His second coming. It is close and REAL, beware!

    1. As a Jew I find it really tragic to her religious bigotry from leftist who claim to be tolerent. Mr Lace.

  6. Separation of people into groups is a social construction; science has proven that, by any measure, humanity is truly one. More to the point of this column, however, is the fact that Paul Saunders hit the ball out of the park regarding this election and the peoples' choices. You were superb, Paul. Thanks for the wonderful reading.


  7. Shut up Candace. That's all your comment was worth.

  8. By The Way Without the Jews There would be no Jesus You Fucktards
