Astrology by Paul Saunders

Sunday 15 November 2020

The New Moon in Scorpio on 15th November – Making A Silk Purse Out Of A Sow's Ear

Hello everyone. It's a really busy time astrologically and the next act in the changing times that we are experiencing comes with the Scorpio New Moon tomorrow. Scorpio season is the most polarising one of all, as the battle for survival comes to a conclusion. For any Scorpio, their biggest fear is just this, survival, and any Scorpio will do literally anything to preserve what they have, and for it not to die. Paradoxically, change and rebirth is what any Scorpio absolutely needs, and as fixed and stubborn as they are, without transformation and change they would remain stuck permanently in the past. Scorpio is a water sign too, and so all Scorpios feel this fear deep in their soul, and it creates extreme worry and anxiety. Being a sign of strength though, they will never betray these feelings to anyone except their closest partners, and that is never a given anyway, lest it be a sign of weakness. That would never do for a Scorpio.

Tuesday 10 November 2020

A Significant Moment - The Final Chapter Begins

This week is a very, very important one astrologically as for the last time in Capricorn, two of the three planets that have been responsible for so much of the grief and trouble around the world make contact. Also this week, the retrograde nightmare that has been blighting us all since mid Spring ends.

Wednesday 7 October 2020

The planets above us now - Opportunity, idealism and danger

Hi everybody. We're in the middle a very interesting set of aspects at this moment in time. First up, Mercury as you'll probably realise is the fastest of all the the inner planets, and it whizzes through all the connections with the other planets at an incredible rate, sometimes these are very fleeting, lasting maybe one day or even less. That's certainly the case when Mercury is moving at full speed, however when the quicksilver planet slows down before a retrograde period, it is moving much slower, and so its influence on us is much greater.

Pluto goes direct - The start of something new...

I've been waiting for this day for months now. Today, well actually this week, as Pluto moves so slowly. The Lord of Transformation finally brings a shift in the overall energy that we are travelling in at around 13.30 GMT today, as it turns direct. The words "power shift" comes to mind, as since mid-late spring, we have been caught up in an almost never ending cycle of retrograde frustration.