Astrology by Paul Saunders : Mars
Showing posts with label Mars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mars. Show all posts

Wednesday 24 September 2014

The Grand Fire Trine of October 2014 – Jump in the rocket and reach for the stars


rocket to the stars

Just starting to form above us is one of the most enthusing and exciting planetary formations in 2014, a grand fire trine of rather epic proportions. Grand trines see three or more planets spaced 120 or so degrees apart in the sky and the angles that they make allow the planetary energies to flow more than any other formation that is possible. This grand trine is occurring in the three fire signs, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius so we should look out for dramatic and dynamic action in the next 2 to 3 weeks to come.

Sunday 17 August 2014

Mars conjunct Saturn in Scorpio - Reaching the end of the line.


Bridge ending

In the heavens above us, Mars and Saturn are closing in on a conjunction, they connect exactly on 25th August 2014. These two planets join up every 2 to 2 and a half years and when they do, they often have a dramatic effect. These are the two driving forces of the zodiac, Mars the planet of action and force, the planet that gives us drive, motivation and aggressive intent. Saturn is the planet of limitation and loss, of taking time (which Mars doesn’t do) and of holding us back. These two planets are completely opposite in the way that they go about things so there is going to a battle of wills in the sign of Scorpio in the next week.

Thursday 14 August 2014

Mars conjunct Acrux and Alphecca - Getting it right or being lucky, but paying a price for it too.



This double conjunction occurs at 12.04 & 12.40 degrees Scorpio and is effective from now until the 18th August.

After the rush of sad news from Hollywood, back to the normal stuff of looking at the planets as they connect with the most prominent stars in the sky. In the next days Mars moving on in Scorpio hits two stars on the same degree, Acrux in Crux, the constellation of the Southern Cross and Alphecca, the star in Corona Borealis, the crown of flowers. Acrux is first and this is a star of power, money and materialism and therefore I suspect that those with assets and strong foundations behind them will be assertive and forceful in their actions. I also think that positive intentions now can set you on the road to making some money and gaining some influence, even in a fortunate sense.

There is as ever with the stars a catch and that comes in the form of the other star on this degree Alphecca. This star has always been one where you can get all the trappings that life can offer you and you can enjoy them to the full, but there will be a huge price to pay after you have exhausted all of them. The initial connection to this star will allow you to have everything you want, love, luck, money, whatever you desire, but it will not last. Often there is a cliff that people seem to fall off when they have links to this star, and the fall can be a long and a hard one. Poor Robin Williams is such a case in point. He had this star on his ascendant and despite having everything he could ever want, there was that sadness in his eyes and he did fall off that cliff a couple of times. With Alphecca, there is not a choice and you will have to accept that success comes with a price of either failure afterwards or learning the tough way from errors of judgement that you make in the the wake of you initial decisions.

Around the world, if you see people celebrating this weekend, take it with a pinch of salt. Be in the knowledge that whatever is achieved now may in the weeks ahead be a false dawn, a hollow victory masking the truth about how it was really won. What is gained today can be lost tomorrow, on the spin of a wheel you can lose it all. You may win the battle but not win the war. Stay humble, keep your feet on the ground and know that if you get lucky, you should avoid the temptations that come with your fortune.

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Friday 25 July 2014

Mars in Scorpio – Soft on the outside, tough on the inside.

Mars wallpaper

In the early hours of tomorrow (26th July 2014), Mars shifts from the sign of Libra where it has been since December last year, because it went into retrograde motion for 2 and a half months between March and May, into the very different sign of Scorpio. Mars in Libra was all about relationships and fairness and standing up for and maybe even fighting for what you thought was right. Now in moving into Scorpio, Mars takes on a very, very different complexion. Libra can be all things to all people if it wants to be, after all this is the sign of relating and therefore you have to show different facets of your character to get on with different people, don’t you? Mars in Scorpio doesn’t see things like this. With Scorpio, you love me or you hate me, we get on or we don’t. You see, there is no middle ground at all when planets are resident in this sign.

Friday 27 June 2014

Mars inconjunct Chiron - Acting to heal or to hurt.


Mars is starting to make an inconjunct aspect to Chiron in the skies above us and this aspect see the planet of force and action connecting with the planet of wounding and learning life lessons. This aspect may see quite spiteful actions taken that are intentionally intended to wound, but actually end up hurting yourself instead. In a way this is quite an accident prone and a more self-destructive aspect than some others that we encounter.

David Cameron the British PM is a perfect example of this. He has transiting Mars sitting bang on his Sun at this moment and he has had a terrible couple of days. He fought an aggressive but an ultimately losing battle over the appointment of Jean-Claude Juncker being appointed as EU president hurting his own reputation and that of Britain in the eyes of his European partners, and as you will know he also was criticised this week for commenting on the phone hacking trial outcome before it had formally ended. Not a good week for him.

Look out for important sports injuries that may come into the news and spiteful words and actions that hit the headlines. You may be just too hasty or clumsy, and then something unfortunate may happen? This is an aspect also of adapting your actions to suit the situation you find yourself in, to try to alleviate the hurt inside you for example. Chiron is a healing planet and a maverick influence too, thus you may act irrationally to shake things up or change your luck, or you may do something from the bottom of your heart to aid and help someone who is in great pain.

With Mars in Libra, I suspect much of what goes on may be connected to relationship issues and these may be strongly affected, so rifts between partners or those in love may be healed, or more negatively painful separations may occur...

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Tuesday 22 April 2014

Mars Conjunct Algorab - Fanning the flames of hate and distrust.


This conjunction is now active until 25th April 2014 and is exact at 13:39 degrees Libra.

This conjunction is one of the more difficulty ones in the night skies as Mars the planet of action and force gets to 13 degrees Libra, the degree connected to Algorab, the main star in the constellation of Corvus the Crow.
The crow has always been seen as a messenger of difficult news in mythology and this star is no different as it takes on the attributes of the crow. Crows are clever, cunning, scavengers, see as malevolent and bringers of bad tidings. Connections to this degree point have been proved to be connected to terrorism in the past and the Twin Towers attack had Mercury and the Ascendant bang on this degree. The phrase kill or be killed has been connected to Algorab, sullying the reputation of this difficult star.

Mars arriving here doesn't lessen the danger, especially as it is part of the Grand Cardinal Cross that is almost exact this minute. The torture and murder of a politician in Eastern Ukraine today is classic Mars conjunct Algorab, stirring up tensions even more in the embattled European country. Russia just shrugs her shoulders and watches as the seeds sown at the 15th March new Moon at the time of the Crimea elections grow into vicious and seemingly uncontrollable separatism. These are dangerous times, and this conjunction of Mars on Algorab comes along to add fuel to the fire, just as I predicted last month.

I wonder if this unsettling combination has caused an upset or a radical change in your life as it opposes Uranus, and squares Jupiter and Pluto? Let me know please...

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Wednesday 19 March 2014

The Grand Cardinal Cross of April 2014 - Fireworks are coming…

CAtherine wheel

The year 2014 has already been a very interesting one with three consecutive periods of retrograde planets coming along to dominate the early months. First up was Venus throughout January, then Mercury in February and now Mars that turned retrograde at the start of March and it will remain moving backwards for the next two and a half months. Also in the past month, Pluto Jupiter and Uranus have been in a tight t-square formation and whilst this was forming the Ukraine revolution took place and Russia sensing a power vacuum in her smaller neighbour dived in to take effective control of the region of Crimea. In the next month this t-square with the aid of Mars will turn into a grand cardinal cross. This formation will dominate the spring of 2014 and will drive the agendas of the world. How is it going to affect us. I give some thoughts on the matter…

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Mars Retrograde in Libra – Recharging one’s batteries and saving your strength.


In a few days time on the 1st March Mars the planet of action and force turns retrograde for 2 and a half months. Mars only turns retrograde every couple of years so this is not a very frequent occurrence but it is significant when it does happen as the driving force of the zodiac, the one universal influence which pushes all of us forward on a regular basis suddenly goes into retreat. Mars this time is in the sign of Libra too, a place where it is not normally very happy and so in effect we have a double dose of Mars in a rather grumpy mood. What are we likely to be in for and how will this irritable Mars affect our lives? I offer a few passing thoughts on the matter.

Friday 31 January 2014

Mars conjunct Spica - Setting out your stall for the future


This connection occurs at 24:03 degrees Libra and will last until 8th February 2014

Mars is slowing up now ahead of it's own retrograde period next month and it is spending an extended time on each star as a result. Mars is in the stars of the constellation of Virgo at this time and tomorrow it hits the bright star of Spica.

Spica is a lovely star that sits in the hand of the Virgin representing the wheat sheaf, the sign of the harvest. This is seen as a gift after all the hard labour exerted in preparing the crops to grow. This star highlights one's skills, talents and one's knowledge and the potential for brilliance, and any planet in your chart which links up with this star can indicate that you have gift within you that you can give to the world. Sometimes these show early in life, then again as you get older and wiser talents and abilities show up that you didn't realise that you had, especially if Spica sits on one's Descendant.

Mars's influence on this star gives a very individual and active feel and Vivian Robson says of this combination that it brings "popular social success, it may show good judgment and allow quick decisions or provoke violence in disputes or foolish actions".

I think this aspect will put a highlight on sport and physical activities, so appropriate that the Superbowl this year falls under it's gaze, the fight for justice and for equal rights (Mars is in the sign of Libra) will see people raising their voices and it is a good time to make plans and to set initiatives for yourself. Mars is starting to make a quindecile to Uranus, so the more violent, aggressive or accidental side of Mars may come out in the next week or two...

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Friday 27 December 2013

Mars conjunct Vindemiatrix - Shaking the vine to gather the fruit


This connection is now active until 30th December and occurs at 10:08 degrees Libra

Mars is now moving through the stars of the constellation of Virgo and it is hooking up with Vindemiatrix. This star has two nicknames. The first is the "Grape Picker or Gatherer", of course connected to harvest time and the collection of grapes before pressing. This star does have connections to gathering and collecting, and often those with planet conjunctions to this star do have this trait in their personality for gathering things, collecting items and reaping what one has sown. The other nickname for Vindemiatrix is a bit more sinister, as it is known as the Widow Maker". Tradition says that one can lose one's partner or spouse in unfortunate circumstances if there is a connection to this star.

Mars does bring energy to this star and you may be very interested in gaining knowledge and bits of information now, finding out what is going on around you; this conjunction promotes research and getting to the truth. Mars is an aggressive influence as well and it increases the likelihood of conflict between those with different ideas, beliefs or cultures.

With Mars inconjunct to Chiron at the moment, square to Pluto and opposing Uranus, any disputes in your life could become nasty and very hurtful, especially if you are diametrically opposed to the ideas that someone else has. As for the "Widow Maker" tag, I don't think that this star realistically will see the death of a partner, but it could help facilitate the break up of a relationship, especially as Venus is retrograde and we are all naturally reviewing those partnerships we have in our lives...

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Monday 23 December 2013

Mars conjunct Diadem - Being unselfish and making sacrifices.

giftgiving 2

This connection is starting to come into contact right now and will last until 28th December 2013 - it occurs at 09.09 degrees Libra.

Mars the planet of force and action is now coming into contact with the star Diadem in the constellation of the woman's crown, Coma Berenices. This star is connected to feminine strength and the people who work quietly and patiently for the benefit of a group or a company without getting any recognition, an influence of sacrificing yourself on behalf of others.

Mars as it makes this exact connection will be forming a t-square with Pluto and Uranus and it joining this star says to me that somewhere in the world the little people or those who normally stay out of sight, the workers and the ordinary people will start to vent their anger and frustration against controls imposed against them. Women of note may be very much in the news now, those with power or those who oppose it. We may also find that intimate secrets might be exposed by this conjunction connected to the t-square, there could be accidents and rescues might occur too.

Christmas is a time of giving and receiving and this influence is one of giving without wanting to get anything back in return. If everyone did this, the world would be a much better place. At this wonderful and festive time of year, maybe this planet star connection is giving us a little reminder of what is really important...??

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Thursday 12 December 2013

How does Mars affect the way that you express love and sex?


Mars in the last couple of days has quietly moved into the sign of relationships Libra for an extended stay of 6 months and it set me thinking about the red planet and it’s role in our expression of love and sex. You know, love makes the word go round and without it in our lives they are much devalued. Mars is the planet of action, it is how we express love and the physical, intimate sides of our relationships and you can tell much about a potential lover just by looking at where their Mars sits and what it connects with on their chart. In this little article, I’ll provide you with an indispensible guide of what to look for and expect in any potential partner before you get involved with them.

Sunday 24 November 2013

Mars conjunct the fixed star Alkes helps Iran strike a deal with the US.

iran us

Iran today signed a deal in Geneva with the US to halt the enrichment of Uranium for 6 months in exchange for financial help against the sanctions that it has been under for quite a while. This deal coincided with a link up in the sky between Mars the planet of aggression and positive action and one of the more fortunate stars in the night’s sky, Alkes.

Friday 1 November 2013

Mars conjunct Zosma – Doing your bit to help those in need


This connection is starting to form and will be active until 5th November 2013. It occurs at 11:31 degrees Virgo.

Mars is now well into the sign of Virgo and the next star it makes contact with is Zosma, a star placed on the back of the great lion in the sky as part of the constellation of Leo.

Zosma is one of those stars which when contacted by the planets brings an element of suffering to bare or creates an atmosphere where victimisation can take place. This is a star of the common man, the one who tends to be on the wrong end of things, he who gets a raw deal or just has to live with regular disappointments in one manner or another. It can also indicate the carer or the one who helps those in need. Robson is pretty damning in his assessment of Zosma. He said it causes “benefit by disgrace, selfishness, egotism, immorality, meanness, melancholy, unhappiness of mind and fear of poison, and gives an unreasonable, shameless and egotistical nature”. This is not one the easiest stars in the heavens to deal with.

Mars is an aggressive influence as well as one that promotes action and so in connecting with Zosma it can indicate action taken to create victims through violence and harshness as well as taking the time to help people in trouble and those who have suffered at the hands of others. I seem to think of charities and those who do work quietly behind the scenes to relieve suffering. This combination is very tied to working in difficult circumstances, in harsh conditions for little thanks or recompense, so look for action by people who work in these kinds of circumstances. Charity givers and volunteers, the military forces, the police and public services, nurses, industrial workers – all these people and others who graft away for the betterment of others come under the auspices of Mars conjunct Zosma and are the type of people who will be motivated by this conjunction. For example, in Britain right now the fire fighters are going on strike, and this exactly fits the brief for Mars conjunct Zosma. They feel victimised, as they believe that their pension rights are going to be eroded by the British government.

In your life, you may be have to serve someone else now who is in trouble or needs help or you may be the one who is suffering at the hands of someone else. Don’t expect rewards for your actions now, as probably you won’t receive any at this time. Then again doing a good deed for someone else will help your self-esteem and maybe through your unselfish work and deeds you will build up some goodwill for when you need some help from someone in the future.

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Saturday 26 October 2013

Mars conjunct Thuban – Protecting with all your might what you hold dear.

Thuban dragon

This connection is just forming and is active through until the end of 28th October 2013. It occurs at 7:39 degrees Virgo.

The star Thuban sits in the constellation of Draco, the dragon and for thousands of years this part of the sky has always been seen in terms of a snake, serpent or dragon, as is now the case. This constellation sits high in the northern skies and Thuban as a star never sets below the horizon, and thus the dragon in the skies also got the reputation of never sleeping. This constellation sits close to the pole star and is seen as protecting it, and as you may be aware, Dragons in legend guard treasure and jewels and that are sacred.

The basic premise of the star Draco then is to strongly guard that which is precious to you and also to hoard your own treasures and values, the things that are dear to your heart. Connected to active and forceful influence of Mars, this Dragon star in the skies becomes very defensive, and will strike back if the objects being protecting are threatened.

I ask you the question. Is there something precious that you desperately want for yourself, something that you want to control or have power over? Is there an idea that you jealously guard, is there a possession you have that you keep for yourself and you will never let anyone anywhere near? This weekend your protective instincts will be very strong and woe betide anyone who tried to take, steal, borrow or use anything that you rightly feel is yours. You also may feel or sense some fear that you will lose something precious.

In the world protectionism will be very strong now and the idea of defending what is yours. The spying row between the US and several prominent European states and leaders around the world is a classic example of Mars conjunct Thuban, as something precious and classified has been infiltrated and compromised, and the need to fight back and defend privacy and confidentiality will be very strong indeed. Watch out for international relations being very strained for a while to come. Countries will now start to be stronger at their borders, they will defend their rights and beliefs, and will act to strengthen and promote any good economic news that now comes out. 

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Monday 14 October 2013

Mars conjunct Regulus – A test of strength and resolve.

Lion 2

This connection is active now and is effective until 16th October 2013. It occurs at 00:01 degrees Virgo

Mars is now in contact with the Royal Persian star, Regulus, one of the most prominent and important stars in the night sky. Regulus known as the “Watcher of the North” sits at the heart of the constellation of Leo the Lion and is very much concerned with success through one’s honour and the way you act. With Regulus you must fight the good fight to achieve your aims and if you do so fairly and squarely then riches will follow, but you will face a nemesis who or which will test your resolve. The test here is one of not biting back when you are criticized or someone does something wrong to you. If you carry out any kind of retribution then in time all of what you have achieved will be lost.

Mars is the planet of action and force and you will have to take positive steps right now to proceed in the direction that you wish to go, so it really is time to take the bull by the horns. This is a great time for sports and games and for exerting one’s energy. Any action-based activity will be enjoyed and can provide you with fulfilment and enjoyment, especially as this aspect is applying. Once the exact connection is made and Mars moves into Virgo tomorrow, then you can focus on how you do thing and getting things precise and correct rather then putting on a show as Mars in Leo wants to do.

Now I said that there is a nemesis with any connection to Regulus and Mars’ nemesis this time around will be in the form of a nasty opposition to Neptune. This aspect saps your strength and your ability to act in an effective manner and it may also be working behind the scenes to thwart your best interests. Neptune will show deception and deceit towards you and will confuse things too and only if you can forgive and forget and not be provoked by what is working against you will you be able to make the very best that Mars conjunct Regulus can offer.

In the US, I feel a game of brinkmanship going on as the financial shutdown grinds through into a third week. Will President Obama keep his cool and not try to take out some kind of revenge of the Republicans who keep delaying and upsetting his desire to set a budget? This is his personal test right now especially with Regulus and Mars connection in his 7th house of one to one relationships and that of open enemies. I think that he will have to keep his dignity to get the agreements that he and the US so desire and need. If he does then he can move forward confidently. If he reacts in the wrong manner then great losses may befall him.

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Friday 20 September 2013

Venus square Mars – The dance of the two lovers


Oooh la la!! We are coming up to one of the most sizzling aspects of the year so far as Venus in alluring Scorpio sidles up to Mars in bold and brash Leo.  For over a week these two red hot blooded and passionate planets will play a tense courtship game in the sky. The dance of the two lovers Venus and Mars begins soon and they make an exact square aspect on 29th September, before slowly parting and going on their separate ways.

As I explained in earlier posts, Mars in Leo is brash and outgoing and is not afraid of saying what he wants and then going after it in a less than subtle manner. Venus in Scorpio is alluring and mysterious, and not afraid of showing a bit of cleavage to tease and tempt. Oh yes, this a maiden who is going to play hard to get but knows ultimately knows what she wants to have. She is going to twist Mars around her little finger and he is likely to comply, although he may get rather frustrated as she raises the heat but makes him wait, and wait a little longer. Think of the guy at the gentleman’s club tipping the dark haired pole dancing beauty with dollar bills or the sexual tension of the tango as the girl in the scarlet dress and her partner traverse the dance floor in a dramatic and close embrace. 

Now this aspect that is approaching is not an easy going trine or sextile, no this is a square between Mars and Venus and because we have it across fixed signs then the energy is going to crackle and burn. There is little subtly on display with a fixed square and when these two do eventually get together sparks are going to fly. Mars in Leo can get on it’s “high horse” and Venus in Scorpio isn’t afraid of playing dirty if she has to so there is a chance that the passion on display could easily turn to rivalry, jealousy and anger instead. If your life has been feeling a bit stale and uninteresting then this could just be the spark to get the fires burning again within you.

The hit zone for these two planets is between 18 to 22 degrees so if you have any planets or angles in these degree regions then you may feel the intense passion that Mars and Venus are going to stir up. Those with planets in fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius) are really going to feel this aspect very keenly, so you’d better get ready for the fun to begin.

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Tuesday 17 September 2013

Mars conjunct Dubhe – Bringing out the protective side of your nature


This conjunction comes into effect on 19th September lasting until 22nd September 2013. It occurs at 15:23 degrees Leo

Ursa Major or the great bear is one of the most noticeable constellations in the night sky and the main and brightest star found within it is Dubhe. Bears are not naturally aggressive animals unless they are provoked; indeed they will rarely attack unless they are protecting their offspring. In the norm, they are strong, persistent, patient, have tremendous endurance and they understand the rhythm of the seasons, hibernating during the harsh winters and making the most of the abundance of the spring and summer months. In the same manner, this star takes it’s lead from these qualities brings a quiet calm and patient approach to solving problems and a love and appreciation of nature too.

Saturday 14 September 2013

Mars conjunct Acubens – Bringing your plans into fruition.


This aspect comes into force on 17th September 2013 and will last until 20th September at 13:50 degrees Leo.

Acubens is the most prominent star in the constellation of Cancer and is actually a double star placed in the crab’s claw. The position of Acubens has always been important as far back as 2000 years ago when the Sun’s entrance to this constellation heralded the Summer solstice, and the point in the Northern hemisphere when the days began to get shorter in length. The Greeks in their mythological stories said that a crab was sent by Hera (the wife and sister of Zeus) to assist the Hydra who at the time was in a fight to the death with Hercules. Hercules did crush the crab and in thanks for the unselfish act of sacrifice in the face of danger, Hera placed the crab in the heavens. The Egyptians saw the constellation of Cancer as a scarab beetle and a symbol of immortality and this part of the sky was regarded as a gateway of souls where they entered the human realm. So we have the issues of the beginning and ending of life (quite appropriate as this is a double star with a double meaning) all connected here through this one constellation.

Sunday 8 September 2013

Mars square Saturn – Running headlong into a brick wall


Just a heads up for you all that tomorrow (9th September 2013) we see the exact square in the skies between Mars and Saturn, the planets of action locking horns with the planet of limitation. This time around Mars is in exuberant Leo and Saturn is moving in deep and intense Scorpio, two fixed signs which will precipitate a real stand off in planetary energy.

Mars in Leo wants to get things done and to do it in a flamboyant manner, it wants to make a visible statement to the world and to show off exactly what it can do. Running into Saturn is a problem for Mars, as Saturn is going to be in no mood to let Mars have it’s own way. Mars may well want to challenge the rule of law and fight against it, but Saturn will not yield this time. Saturn is like the proverbial brick wall in the way urging us to slow down, to stop and to think about our actions and why we are doing them. Maybe we are being too hasty, maybe we are not thinking straight, maybe our plans are all wrong and we need a correction in our progress? You say all you like about Saturn and you can hate his intervention in our lives, but he is there for a reason, he wants us to stop and reassess our progress.This will be a necessary correction that he is providing for us all, to stop us running away with ourselves. The faster you put your foot down on the accelerator, the more destruction you will cause to yourself and others if you happen to make a mistake and hit something solid.

You may feel a discernable frustration in the air now and in the next couple of days as the square hardens before it starts to dissipate. Some area of your life is going to be blocked or maybe new rules will be imposed on you. You may feel low on energy, find big bills now have to be paid, something may break down or severely delay you. Tomorrow on the 9th, the Moon comes along to make a conjunction with Saturn in Scorpio for a short while and this could bring an emotional element into the mix or a family or female intervention might be part of the whole picture. Might issues surrounding matters of the heart come to some sort of resolution right now?

Rather than fighting against the odds, it is probably advisable to back down and look at your options as they will appear once this aspect has passed through, indeed you will soon be asked to makes some important decisions once Venus moves into Scorpio in the middle of next week. Take your medicine and bide your time as the chance to make progress and get moving again is not so far off in the future.

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