Astrology by Paul Saunders : Cardinal Cross
Showing posts with label Cardinal Cross. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cardinal Cross. Show all posts

Friday 21 March 2014

Astrology of the Lunar Eclipse of April 2014 – An emotional pressure cooker


In April 2014 we move into the next eclipse season with a Lunar eclipse on the 15th April followed swiftly afterwards by a Solar Eclipse two weeks later on the 29th. Eclipses of the Sun and the Moon are enhanced new and full Moons and during the event the light of the Sun or the Moon are extinguished either partly or sometimes totally. These powerful events in days past brought fear and trepidation to all who saw them, as the life and warmth giving properties of the Sun and the calming and light giving properties of the Moon at night plunged everything around into darkness. This particular Lunar eclipse is going to be quite a spectacular one as if you look up as it occurs, the Moon will turn blood red. Eclipses do set the scene for the following few months, and possibly longer as they trigger new cycles of energy into motion. Where the eclipses land on the Astrology chart various life themes are activated, new energy floods in through one eclipse and old energy seeps away with the other. It is a constant long running cycle, just like the tides of the seas, the seasons through the year, of the bringing of joyful new life and the pain and suffering in death.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

The Grand Cardinal Cross of April 2014 - Fireworks are coming…

CAtherine wheel

The year 2014 has already been a very interesting one with three consecutive periods of retrograde planets coming along to dominate the early months. First up was Venus throughout January, then Mercury in February and now Mars that turned retrograde at the start of March and it will remain moving backwards for the next two and a half months. Also in the past month, Pluto Jupiter and Uranus have been in a tight t-square formation and whilst this was forming the Ukraine revolution took place and Russia sensing a power vacuum in her smaller neighbour dived in to take effective control of the region of Crimea. In the next month this t-square with the aid of Mars will turn into a grand cardinal cross. This formation will dominate the spring of 2014 and will drive the agendas of the world. How is it going to affect us. I give some thoughts on the matter…