Astrology by Paul Saunders : New Moon
Showing posts with label New Moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Moon. Show all posts

Saturday 6 July 2013

New Moon 8th July 2013 – Plant a seed and watch it grow…


The traditional message of the new Moon every 28 days or so is one of beginnings, of the start of a new cycle of growth, of making a fresh start or getting the germination of an idea that one day may grow in to something more substantial. The old English proverb of “from tiny acorns, large Oak trees grow” is absolutely the metaphor that I would use for the coming new Moon on the 8th of July. For the first time in a long time this is a new Moon to be savoured, and to take full advantage of.

Saturday 8 June 2013

New Moon in Gemini hits fixed star Rigel


The new Moon at 17 Gemini today made a direct conjunction with the fixed star Rigel. This star sits on the foot of Orion the hunter, as well as being the last star in the constellation of Eridanus, the river. The ancient story goes that Orion was charged with killing all of the beasts on earth, however for his brazen and rather arrogant attitude, the goddess of the earth Gaia sent the scorpion to sting Orion which it did on his foot (or heel) poisoning him to death.

This is a star that does promise a constant flow of riches and achievements that the waters of the river provide you. It encourages a positive attitude too, especially in spreading knowledge, through one’s actions, examples or ideas, through education and teaching or through the spread of one’s faith for the benefit of others. However, there is a catch. As in the story, there is a chance that you may get over confident of achieving success, and as a result suffer a similar fate as Orion did.

The New Moon here I think was a real boost to us all and probably one of the more positive influences we have had in a while, so if you get projects, ideas and situations or even relationships off the ground now combined with the wonderful energy of the grand water trine we are under, then I think they have a great chance of long term success, so long as you remain sensible and not too over-optimistic.

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Monday 8 April 2013

New Moon in Aries 13/4/2013 - Taking the initiative


I've had a mini break from Astrology as I need to do every so often just to keep my mind fresh and also because we are into a much quieter phase astrologically after the very, very active last week of March. The coming New Moon in Aries on 10th (exact at 10:35 hrs London time, 9:35 UTC) sees a triple conjunction of Sun Venus and Mars in Aries like the last full Moon, but this one does not have the wildcard influence of Uranus in the mix, nor the Pluto opposition, so it is more stable in nature.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

“Water World” discovered by scientists on the day of the new Moon in Pisces.


Oh how appropriate!! On the day of the new Moon in Pisces in conjunction with Neptune, astronomers confirmed that a new planet consisting mainly of water does exist in the outer reaches of the solar system. Planet GJ 1214b to give it it’s official title is hotter and larger than our Earth, but smaller than Jupiter. If you were to visit, you’d be boiled alive, as the predicted temperature is around 370 degree Fahrenheit, very hot and steamy indeed. The new discovery is 30 light years away from the Earth and was first spotted by ground telescopes in Chile. Since then, the Hubble space telescope has been trained on it and finally today of all days it’s existence was made known to the world.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

New Moon in Pisces – Beware of an unexpected storm.


I don’t often look at New Moons on Solaris Astrology unless they are eclipses. The New Moon in Pisces this month is a little different, and appears to my eyes at least as if it will be quite potent. The New Moon presents a decent time for us to start off new ideas and get things off the ground that we have been working on. This approaching New Moon however definitely has caught my eye. Reaching exactitude on the evening of 21st February UK time, it is a corker and could trigger off any amount of nasty and disruptive action around the world. Let me explain…