Astrology by Paul Saunders : Colonel Gaddafi
Showing posts with label Colonel Gaddafi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Colonel Gaddafi. Show all posts

Thursday 20 October 2011

Colonel Gaddafi – Captured and killed by the Libyan rebel forces


Reports out this afternoon say that Colonel Muammar Al-Gaddafi was captured by the Libyan Rebel forces in Gaddafi’s home town of Sirte, apparently after a gun battle. Like Saddam Hussein before him, the dictator was finally caught hiding like a coward underground in some drain tunnels, in a vain attempt to avoid his enemies. The unconfirmed video of Gaddafi lying dead in front of his captors has just been shown on the UK’s Sky News.

This report does not surprise me. Back in August on this blog, I predicted that the end of October would be the end of the line for Libya’s fallen dictator. I am pleased for the Libyan people, as now they will have closure and they can look to the future hopefully with some optimism. I trust that they can now go on to make their homeland a peaceful and successful country.

I am reposting what I wrote back in August explaining the timeline as I then saw it for the endgame for the battle for Libya and the continuing hunt for their leader.

Sunday 21 August 2011

Libya – Gaddafi’s hold on power coming to an end.

It has been a long battle but as the rebel forces approach the outskirts of Libya’s capital city Tripoli, the end is surely nigh for Colonel Gaddafi’s rule of the country. A quick look at the current transits against the natal chart of Libya show the battle for the country is approaching the end game.

Libya transits

There are fierce battles going on right now as the rebel army approaches the Libyan capital and these are shown by transiting Mars which is conjunct to the natal Uranus. Mars is passing through the ruling 10th house of government and the nation’s public image, symbolising the bloody and chaotic nature of the advancement. The transiting Mars is also approaching a square with natal Saturn and its own position, so the battle in a few days will really start to be underway in the seat of government, Tripoli. If you wish to see the natal Libyan chart please click here – Libya

My post on Colonel Gaddafi published 27th Feb 11 - Colonel Gaddafi

Libya 27 sept

I have tried to show the situation and movement of the planets month by month.

You can see the progression of events through Saturn. The natal Saturn/Mars Neptune conjunction in the natal Libyan chart fans out by aspect all the other planets. Saturn’s connection by transit here this time will herald the overthrow of the present regime. With transiting Saturn now conjunct to Saturn and square to Uranus and soon to move into a conjunction with natal Mars, this will be a violent and bloody end to the conflict. I would expect the end to be between mid and late September, because Libya’s Ascendant and Midheaven is ruled by Mercury. Natal Mercury lies at 18 degrees Sagittarius, and transiting Saturn will make a sextile with Mercury in the last week of September. This in turn will activate the natal Mercury Ascendant Midheaven t-square. Sextiles present opportunities and this will be an opportunity to complete the job started many months ago by the rebel forces. The transiting Sun and Mercury at this point make an opposition with Jupiter and square the natal Sun, which itself will be receiving a square again from retrograde Uranus.

Libya 27 Oct

Saturn then goes on to make contact with Neptune at the end of October. At this point, there will be a vey interesting mini grand trine as well as a wedge formation created. Transiting Mars conjunct Pluto and transiting Neptune opposite Pluto which is very brutal and grief stricken. Transiting Mercury also feeds into this Mars Pluto conjunction by way of a square, showing that this contact will affect the whole nation. The transiting North Node conjunct both natal Mercury (the chart ruler) and opposite the Midheaven and at the point is Saturn conjunct natal Neptune. Might this literally be the end of the dream for Gaddafi? Unless the Libyan leader has already got out of the country, then it will be nigh impossible for him to escape once the battle for Tripoli finally gets underway. The South Node conjunct to the Midheaven is a most unfortunate position, and the brutal Mars Pluto Neptune connection hitting  the Saturn Neptune conjunction does say to me the end of the dream. If Gaddafi is caught, I suspect the rebels at this point will show no mercy to the dictator who ruled Libya for 40 years. 


The death of Gaddafi - Colonel Gaddafi – Captured and killed by the Libyan rebel forces

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Sunday 27 February 2011

Colonel Gaddafi – Going out the same door he came in


Just a quick look at embattled Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Al-Gaddafi who is after 42 years of absolute rule is staring the exit door in the face. We have no birth time for the Colonel, born in Sirte, Libya on 7th June 42, which is a shame.

Gaddafi is a Sun sign Gemini (it is a very Gemini & airy chart) with 5 planets in the twins sign. He has an Aires Moon, so a need to be first and at the top dominates his emotions. There is a  Pluto/Mars conjunction, Pluto in Leo and Mars in Cancer, he will defend his family, homeland and powerbase in a no nonsense manner by any means if need be. That controlling Pluto and fiery Aries moon make a mini grand trine with Saturn and Uranus (2 of the Gemini planets). Here is the need to be the top dog (Aries Moon) to create revolutionary (Uranus) government (Saturn) by forceful control (Pluto). It also makes him very dangerous and unpredictable. The other 3 Gemini planets Sun, Mercury and Jupiter form the point of a T-Square with that Aires moon opposite Neptune in conservative Virgo – here is the motivation for his huge rambling, religious speeches he is so noted for. Emotionally he will be direct, but evasive and deceptive.


Ok a look at the transits on his chart. Transiting Mars is as I write exactly square his natal Saturn/Uranus, so his revolutionary authority is being challenged by force. Transiting Uranus is exactly square his Jupiter, so his freedom is now cut off by rebel actions and Uranus is opposite his natal Neptune causing confusion. Poignantly, the transiting Sun is sitting on his South Node this evening, time to go back from whence you came; he was brought up from peasant roots. If we look to Gaddafi’s presidency chart (1st Sept 69), there is the same picture. Transiting Uranus is square natal Uranus, the revolutionary being overthrown by those who wish to overthrow him, and transiting Pluto is square Jupiter and Mercury, so freedom and communications are cut off. It look as if for Muammar Al-Gaddafi, the party’s over, and for Libya confusion and a battle for control will begin.

***** Other Libya Articles *******

Posted on 21st August 2011 - Libya – Gaddafi’s hold on power coming to an end.


Here is the transit chart for for Gaddafi on the day of his death.


Looking at the transits, it is easy to see the downfall of Gaddafi. The transiting South Node was exactly on Gaddafi’s Sun and the transiting North node was making a quindecile to his Saturn. This double connection showed the end of his power and Gaddafi meeting his fate at the hands of those now in charge. Transiting Pluto was trine his natal Moon, so emotionally he would have been at breakpoint. Transiting Uranus was trine to natal Pluto and transiting Mars sextile his Sun so danger and unexpected shock were coming their way to him. Finally transiting Neptune was square to his Saturn/Uranus conjunction. Neptune dissolves and disintegrates and his revolutionary power over the past few months that this square has been in operation has been slipping away. Today, the revolutionaries finally caught up with him and served their retribution.